Beauty & the NPPF
There are 10 references to beautiful design in the new NPPF released last month. I am sure many of you are also concerned about the increased level of subjectivity offered to local planning authorities in determining applications. The previous criterion of ‘well-designed’ is assessable in respect of many elements that combine to achieve good design, but how does one measure beauty?
I trust we would all encourage more ‘beauty’ in our built environment, more beautiful buildings and places. The Living with Beauty report of 2020 by the Building Better Building Beautiful Commission is certainly an interesting read, but it raises serious concerns about how decisions will be made and by who. Will the tasks of architects, urban designers and planners largely become translation of local authority approved design codes that will ultimately stifle innovation and creativity? Do we defer to popular opinion (a community-led approach), or will we see a resurgence of design review panels and if so, how do we overcome seemingly inextricable biases? In the short term, will the Planning Inspectorate become the arbiter of ‘beauty’?
Michael Drake, Director